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Friday, December 16, 2016

5 Foods That You Should Avoid When breakfast

1. A glass of fruit juice with no other foods
A glass of fruit juice at breakfast is certainly refreshing, but also consume a glass of fruit juice alone can not be said to have breakfast. Moreover, if you consume is a commercial fruit juice in containers that have been added sugars, colorings, preservatives and other food additives. The juice that looks as healthy as vegetable juices that are cold pressed was not always healthy if used as the sole source of your food during breakfast.

Most juices contain only carbohydrates and sugar only. It will make you hungry again quickly before lunch time, causing you tend to eat snacks high in sugar and high in fat. Fruits are recommended to be consumed at breakfast was that contain fiber, such as apples, for example. If you want to consume fruit juice is okay, but try making your own fruit juice so that you can measure the sugar you use. Do not forget to keep your fruit juice combine with protein foods.

2. The donuts, croissants, cakes, bagels, muffins
Donuts and other pastry products should not you make your breakfast the main menu because most of its content is simply sugar and fat. Donat for example, the manufacturing process uses sugar, cream, and fried in deep fried method. This makes the donuts high in calories but it will be minimal nutritional quality because it contains carbohydrates and fats as well as in the kind of unhealthy.

Sugar is a simple carbohydrate source, so will raise your blood sugar quickly, but also lower blood sugar levels very quickly as well so that you will feel hungry before lunch time. While the fat that comes from frying, especially with deep fried method is a type of saturated fat that is harmful to health because it can affect the cholesterol levels in the blood. Donuts and pastry products can be an occasional snack when you eat out, but you should not make a main meal at breakfast.

3. Sausage, bacon, ham, and nuggets
Meat processing results are the type of meat that are harmful to health. A study conducted by researchers at Harvard reveal that every 50 grams of processed meat you eat will increase your risk of heart disease as much as 42%. If you only eat processed meats alone for breakfast, then chances are you overweight and obesity also increases because usually processed meats contain a lot of saturated fat.

4. The low-fiber cereal
Eating cereal is an option for some people because of the presentation that is easy and saves time. But you still have to pay attention to the nutrients contained in cereal packaging, choose cereals that contain at least 3 grams of fiber in each dose sajinya. And if you choose cereal for the kids, consider again the ingredients used. Cereal colorful generated from artificial colorings can impact the health of children, some studies have linked dyes used in foods with ADHD and hyperactivity in children.

If you want to mix the cereal with milk, you should use regular milk, not sweetened condensed milk. Because, sweetened condensed milk has been given extra sugar is quite a lot.

5. uduk rice, noodles, and fried
Breakfast menu is famous in Indonesia, or maybe you normally consume. Despite the glut, but it turns out these foods can adversely affect your health. As explained earlier, you are advised to eat a diet that is complete and balanced nutrients. Coffè usually served with fried rice noodles, chilli fried potatoes, plus fries. If you notice, coffè is already a source of carbohydrates, when combined with rice noodles or potatoes then increase your carbohydrate intake manifold. Besides fried foods you consume are also usually high in fat because it contains a lot of oil.

Hopefully helpful information do not forget to like, follow, share. Thank you


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