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Monday, December 19, 2016

Some Infectious Diseases Through Kiss


1. Flu
Flu is transmitted through direct contact with the virus. You could be infected with flu from saliva droplets or direct contact with fluid and mucus from the nose and throat of infected people.

2. Glandular fever or kissing disease
Glandular fever is a general term for a viral infection called infectious mononucleosis, which is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. The virus is spread through saliva and infection occurs through direct contact.

3. Herpes
Viruses that are considered part of the herpes family, including Epstein-Barr virus, varicella-zoster (causes chicken pox) and herpes simplex (cold sores cause). Herpes simplex virus can be spread through direct contact with the virus while kissing.

Herpes is most easily spread to others when the lesions are formed or has erupted. The virus can be spread to others of the location of the lesion, even when herpes had been cured. While chickenpox can spread easily from person to person through direct contact, droplets of saliva or air distribution.

4. warts
Warts in the mouth can spread through kissing, especially if there is an injured area.

5. Meningococcal disease
It is a life-threatening condition that includes meningitis, inflammation of the membranes (meninges) surrounding the brain and spinal cord, and septicemia. These bacteria can be transmitted either through direct contact or by droplets of saliva.

6. Hepatitis B
Kissing can also transmit hepatitis B virus, although blood levels of virus higher than saliva. Infection can occur when the blood and saliva of infected in direct contact with another person's bloodstream or mucous membranes. A person is more likely to be infected when kissing if they both have open sores in the mouth or around the mouth.

May be useful for everything, do not forget to always visit this blog for information about our health will pobud share. Folow, like, and share to all who need the information. Thank you 

6 Most Common Myths about Kidney Disease


Myth 1: Kidney disease is a rare disease.
You might be surprised to know that quite a lot of people with kidney disease in Indonesia. At the end of 2015 there were around 96 thousand patients with chronic kidney disease stage five.

WHO says 54 percent of the cause of death in Indonesia is due to chronic illness,

and kidney disease is a disease that number is increasing every year.

High blood pressure, diabetes, a family history of kidney failure, aged above 60 years, are factors that increase a person's risk of kidney disease.

Myth 2: You'll know if you have kidney disease.
Unfortunately, most people with kidney disease, do not know the disease early on. Because in the early stages of kidney disease, most people do not have any symptoms.

Symptoms may not appear until kidney disease reaches an advanced stage. The best way to tell if you have kidney disease is to see a doctor.

Myth 3: Testing for kidney disease is a long and costly process.
Testing for the presence or absence of kidney disease, are relatively inexpensive. The test can be done in two simple ways, namely through a urine test to determine levels of your protein and a blood test to estimate GFR (glomerular filtration rate).

Figures GFR will tell how well your kidneys are working.

Myth 4: If you have kidney disease risk, there's nothing you can do to prevent it.

Not all people at risk will suffer from kidney disease. You can protect the kidneys with a healthy and natural way of eating, exercising regularly, controlling blood pressure and blood sugar, maintain a healthy weight, stop smoking, and do not consume excessive drug queried.

All these steps will help you keep the kidney, in order to stay healthy and reduce the risk of kidney disease.

Myth 5: No one knows what causes kidney disease.

Two of the most common causes of kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure. Both can harm your kidneys by causing damage to the small blood vessels in the kidneys. Many other conditions can harm the kidneys, for example:

- Heart disease
- Glomerulonephritis, a disease that causes inflammation of the kidneys
- Polycystic kidney disease, which led to the formation of cysts in the kidneys

Myth 6: The only treatment is dialysis for kidney disease.

Not all people with kidney disease need dialysis. Kidney disease is a progressive disease. In the early stages, it usually has to be managed with regular exercise, a healthy diet and natural, as well as drugs from the doctor.

With this approach, most people can slow or stop the progression of renal disease and enjoy a normal lifestyle. That's why it's so important to find and treat kidney disease early.

Dialysis or a kidney transplant is only necessary if your kidney disease gets worse and progress to renal failure.

May be useful for everything, do not forget to always visit this blog for information about our health will pobud share. Folow, like, and share to all who need the information. Thank you

Friday, December 16, 2016

5 Foods That You Should Avoid When breakfast

1. A glass of fruit juice with no other foods
A glass of fruit juice at breakfast is certainly refreshing, but also consume a glass of fruit juice alone can not be said to have breakfast. Moreover, if you consume is a commercial fruit juice in containers that have been added sugars, colorings, preservatives and other food additives. The juice that looks as healthy as vegetable juices that are cold pressed was not always healthy if used as the sole source of your food during breakfast.

Most juices contain only carbohydrates and sugar only. It will make you hungry again quickly before lunch time, causing you tend to eat snacks high in sugar and high in fat. Fruits are recommended to be consumed at breakfast was that contain fiber, such as apples, for example. If you want to consume fruit juice is okay, but try making your own fruit juice so that you can measure the sugar you use. Do not forget to keep your fruit juice combine with protein foods.

2. The donuts, croissants, cakes, bagels, muffins
Donuts and other pastry products should not you make your breakfast the main menu because most of its content is simply sugar and fat. Donat for example, the manufacturing process uses sugar, cream, and fried in deep fried method. This makes the donuts high in calories but it will be minimal nutritional quality because it contains carbohydrates and fats as well as in the kind of unhealthy.

Sugar is a simple carbohydrate source, so will raise your blood sugar quickly, but also lower blood sugar levels very quickly as well so that you will feel hungry before lunch time. While the fat that comes from frying, especially with deep fried method is a type of saturated fat that is harmful to health because it can affect the cholesterol levels in the blood. Donuts and pastry products can be an occasional snack when you eat out, but you should not make a main meal at breakfast.

3. Sausage, bacon, ham, and nuggets
Meat processing results are the type of meat that are harmful to health. A study conducted by researchers at Harvard reveal that every 50 grams of processed meat you eat will increase your risk of heart disease as much as 42%. If you only eat processed meats alone for breakfast, then chances are you overweight and obesity also increases because usually processed meats contain a lot of saturated fat.

4. The low-fiber cereal
Eating cereal is an option for some people because of the presentation that is easy and saves time. But you still have to pay attention to the nutrients contained in cereal packaging, choose cereals that contain at least 3 grams of fiber in each dose sajinya. And if you choose cereal for the kids, consider again the ingredients used. Cereal colorful generated from artificial colorings can impact the health of children, some studies have linked dyes used in foods with ADHD and hyperactivity in children.

If you want to mix the cereal with milk, you should use regular milk, not sweetened condensed milk. Because, sweetened condensed milk has been given extra sugar is quite a lot.

5. uduk rice, noodles, and fried
Breakfast menu is famous in Indonesia, or maybe you normally consume. Despite the glut, but it turns out these foods can adversely affect your health. As explained earlier, you are advised to eat a diet that is complete and balanced nutrients. Coffè usually served with fried rice noodles, chilli fried potatoes, plus fries. If you notice, coffè is already a source of carbohydrates, when combined with rice noodles or potatoes then increase your carbohydrate intake manifold. Besides fried foods you consume are also usually high in fat because it contains a lot of oil.

Hopefully helpful information do not forget to like, follow, share. Thank you

Bad Impacts of Sleep Deprivation

Here are some facts about the adverse effects on our body have the name that the incidence of insomnia. Most people already can not sleep kalu will surely pass with the name of staying up in the morning, try not to stay up because we can make our bodies limp and could disrupt our activities in the next morning. 
The following facts negative impacts: 

1. Destructive function of brain function
Lack of sleep makes the brain neurons hearts can not rest enough. In the end, the singer impair cognitive functions of the brain hearts.

2. Affect Mood
Lack of sleep can be caused those orangutans tend to experience mood swings. Often, they are irritable for no apparent reason. In fact, the hearts long term it can be detrimental singer Remember.

3. Obesity
Obesity is very vulnerable to be affected due to lack of sleep. It was due to decreased levels of leptin which causes a person is not easy to feel satiated. Meanwhile, production of the hormone ghrelin increases appetite Yang berkontribus hearts Spot increases.

4. Lack of body's immune
Sleep saaat, the human body works to review strengthen the immune system by producing more antibodies. Hence, when the lack of sleep, operates automatically reduced body immunity hearts and diseases easily attack the body.

Hopefully the info I gave above could be useful for everything, do not forget to continue to follow my articles well, and do not forget to like + share. Thank you

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

8 Powerful Ways to Remove Coral Tooth

In the activity count twenty-four hours or a day and a night sure everyone has a lot of eating and drinking in through the mouth, in this case something automatic organ that plays an important role among which the teeth. Here I will share an explanation of how the teeth so that we stay healthy:

1. Diligently Brushing Teeth
How to remove the tartar can be done with diligent brushing their teeth every day. Regular brushing does have many benefits, both for the mouth or teeth. With diligent brushing teeth, leftovers are tucked away at the tooth to be easily cleaned. Thus, the remnants of such foods will not accumulate on the teeth. In order tartar disappears, you should brush your teeth at least two times every day. You can also brush your teeth after you consume food. How to brush your teeth, you just have to brush your teeth from top to bottom. Do not be loud, which is important leftovers can be lifted from your teeth.

2. Using Toothpaste Special
toothpaste is the decisive factor also in cleaning the tartar. Choose the right toothpaste to clean tartar like toothpaste containing fluroid or tartar control. Because these highly potent substances to remove tartar you.

3. Flossing
Flossing is one alternative to also remove your tartar. As we know that the tartar can also be caused by bacteria in the teeth and mouth. Therefore, by using flossing then the leftovers in your mouth and the bacteria will be thoroughly eliminated.

4. Eating Apples
How to remove the tartar that probably will not bother you is to eat apples. Yes, this apple is much useful for your body. If you usually only know apples only to diet, now you can use it to clean tartar. Apple has substances that can reduce tartar because the vitamin C was able to quell tartar. If you want to use the apples to remove rocks on the tooth, you only need to consume on a regular basis.

5. Eating Melon
Melon is one of the fruits that contain natural fibers. By eating melon it would be good to produce saliva you. So kebesihan mouth will remain intact.

6. Drinking Water
How to remove the tartar that simpler is by consuming water. White water does have many benefits for the body. Water can aid digestion. The white water can also help expedite metabolism in the body. Of course, water is also capable of cleaning out a nesting on the teeth. How, you only need to regularly consume water every day, at least 8 glasses a day. When you want to use as a cleaner tartar, you only need to rinse his mouth with water use.

7. Reduce consumption of food that contains sugar and flour
How to remove tartar you can do to reduce the consumption of foods that can cause tartar. Food is usually quick trigger dental plaque are foods made with sugar and flour. Both of these foods can indeed trigger timbulkannya rocks on the tooth. Especially if you are very lazy to clean your teeth after eating these foods, naturally plaque will very quickly appear and accumulate on the teeth. Therefore, reduce the consumption of foods containing sugar and starch from now!

8. Checking Teeth Once Every 6 Months
Most people usually only visit the dentist when there are problems with his teeth. Rarely do people who come to consult when a tooth in a healthy state. That is why, when dental plaque appeared, most people are not aware of its emergence. In fact, doctors have been advised to go check the teeth every six months. This is necessary so that when the teeth are broken, the doctor can easily handle it. Or, when dental plaque has begun to appear, the dentist can easily clean it.

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